First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I hear them. In the night.

They call to me, with their purring.. letting me know it could all be mine... if only I'd take it...just reach out... just a few feet away... they laugh with high pitched whines when they take off...

...knowing I so desperately want to take off too.

Promising everything.

The speed, the wild abandon... the pack that runs together.

The freedom... the joy... the need to go faster... to be better... to push it just a little more.

Following me everywhere. Haunting... they never give up. They know I'll join one day.

Resistance is futile.

For now... I stay inside. Warm... sheltered

... for now.

Not always.

Someday... I'll get my 900 SS and then...

I'll run the pack.

.........forget the pain.......forget the sorrows.....

Damn.... I need to get a bike.
.... though I really should learn to drive first.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

U want 2 ride a bike???U,d person who breaks an ankle jumping down 4m ur bed.U gotta b serious.U cud ride a kiddy bike maybe(still wud fall/crash ;) ).And 4 u to leave d pack behind U wud need a Hyabusa a Ducati wont cut it.U gotta get real Miss,dats coming 4m me so dats something u have to think abt.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

oh shup.
bikes can be souped up, you know.
my ducati could beat your hyabusa any day. as big a fan of the dodge viper I may be... the hyabusa just isn't cool. too bulky.
don't forget.... you have to get me grey souls and uncle jack.
and 20%.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

Do you really have a ducati, or is it just the one in your mind?

And seriously... the last thing you need is a souped up bike... your ankles can only take so much abuse.

3:20 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

you really think i have a ducati??
i mean, seriously?

12:58 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

aww. poor you. you know what, when the job gets really boring... think about what you're gonna do with all the money. oooh! i know! you can think about what you're gonna buy me! or even better, think about homestead. that lovely house... all ours.

8:47 AM  

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