First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

right now....

The last thing I ate: gooseberries

The thing I most want to do: swim

The thing I most want: a back massage

Books I’m in the middle of: Post Captain- Patrick O’Brian, Hogfather-Terry Pratchett, An Ideal Husband- Oscar Wilde

Last movie I saw: An Ideal Husband

Last serial I saw: The O.C

Last song I listened to: Gotta get thru this- Daniel Beddingfield…I’ve no idea why I was listening to that. I plead temporary insanity.

Last phrase I really liked: ‘in curls and claws and sleek sinuousness’ … The Manticore’s Secret- Samit Basu.

Last book I finished: Small Gods- Terry Pratchett

Plans for the next hour: try and fail to study, try and fail to stay awake, try and fail to care.

Well, I'm off.


Blogger Panacea said...

You should read The Picture of Dorian Gray if you like Oscar Wilde, its amazing.

You watch the OC?I think you have just lost the right to make fun of me and have just sinked lower in my opinion of you.

*sigh* i feel like gooseberries now!

6:55 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

yes, i will. as soon as possible.

no, i have not lost the right to make fun of you. the O.C is hilarious, my cousins and i watch it and make fun of it and laugh our heads off. why do you think i've seen Heidi??

welcome to my world, i always feel like gooseberries.

9:02 PM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

Eris, I always thought you were a fruit

10:52 PM  
Blogger Panacea said...

You have officially earned back your right to make fun of me!

2:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what's sad? There are people at my school who live by and for the O.C. It's their religion and life! Most of them are part of the student government and they even made O.C. themed T-shirts for themselves.
Geez! I wish you were here to make fun of them!!!

11:53 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

pan- yay! i love making fun of you!

virtual chem- brat. just for your clarification, i meant that i felt like eating gooseberries, not that i was a gooseberry. and anyway, if i was a fruit, it'd be something nice like a strawberry or ooh! a kiwi!

katya- they have t-shirts. oh man, i wish i was there to make fun of them too. imagine the possibilities...

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u crack me up!....and i think that u are very talented and should be a writer and that u are brilliant.. the honest stuff..yeah i like ur blog but i love u way more..!! muah the luckiest in the world to have a best friend like u..

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice.So u didnt start like d usual dear predictable u trying to b unpredictable.u r more a nut than a fruit but still a damn good nut.and yeah a spoilt brat who thinks taking over d world is so easy.I am trying to take over as well so lets c who does it or we can koin forces.D name ur searching 4 is hidden in this message.if u can find it.

1:20 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

right. nut honey, you're sposed to use pseudonyms. but thanx anyway, love you too. muah!

devil in the moonlight- dude. dont make me hurt you. this is a BLOG!! no one does the dear diary crap anymore. but if i did... it'd go something like this... dear diary, there's this boy in my class and he's just so dreaaaamy! i think im going to hack his goolies off with a rusty butter knife, turn them inside out and staple them back on before dipping them in hydrochloric acid.
thanx for taking time out from your busy schedule of mocking me in person to mocking me on the internet. remind me to hit you the next time I see you. and we are NOT joining forces. the world is mine!!!!!!

4:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think u have a thing 4 rusty butter knives,dont u??I mean y off all d things wud u use a rusty butter knife??I wud have ude a rusty nail file instead wud have been more painful.And D world will never b urs completely,there will b this tiny lil island city which will survive u just as it has done 4 so many years.(I know her for 4 months and I am glad I am still alive.But dont know y??).And as u know I am more powerful than u will ever b just dat I wont last as long as u is a diff topic,so till I am there u aint getting d world.

9:23 AM  

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