First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Some people never learn...

This is beyond funny.... My mother is so desperate to keep me from shaving my head that she actually suggested I streak my hair. lol. After I streak my hair, I'll have no choice but to shave it off.
You'd think she learned her lesson when I dyed my hair purple the last time.
No, not purple streaks... I dyed ALL of my hair purple.
Oh man, people called me the Mullberry bush for a month.
And you know what the best part was?
I spend way too much of my time in the sun and waay too much time swimming in chlorinated water at noon and no, it is not an indoor pool.
Can you say recipie for disaster?
I went from being the mullberry bush to being the Burning Bush which wasn't nearly as much fun.
Ha! I'm telling you.... this will not turn out well.


Blogger Panacea said...

haha, wish I had seen you with your purple tresses.

Anyways, you've been wanting to shave your head ever since I knew you which is what, about 5 years now? I'd have thought that you would have gotten over that phase by now, apparently not I guess.

1:27 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

Frankly I dont know why people give a damn about their hair.

7:20 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

pan- aww and i dont even have any picturer of me and my purple hair.
of course I'm not going to get over it. I will be bald!!!

virtualcham- that's only coz you've got none, honey.

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... there you go eris... the buttering worked. Shaving your head bald is quirky, granted, but will go well with boxing. It is your head after all.

8:26 AM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

How can one not care about their hair?
You know, I'd rather have purple and curly hair than this indefinite ash-blonde mop of limp, two-dimensional crap that I'm stuck with.
Sorry, hair. I do like you occasionally.
Hmmm. Maybe I should die it some radical colour. What do you think about, um, brown?

11:07 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

mia!!! you love me, you really love me!
actually most of the female boxers I know are crazy about their hair and they hate to cut it. come to think of it, the same goes for most of the male boxers too.

TPF- don't pay any attention to virtualchameleon, he's just jealous coz he has to get his gardener to cut his hair. man, ive heard waay too much about the whole ash blonde thing from pan. lol. brown? i thought you wanted radical? brown is not radical. i say blue. now there's a nice natural colour.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Burning Mulberry bush.
yeah i remeber ur hair. it was soooo funny. im still laughin bout it. ahahhahaha.see???
MAN!!! i cant wait till ur bald. that nice shiny bald head. ahhhhhhhhh. cant wait to whack it!!!! But that picture with ur wild hair is sooooo cool and freaky that i also wish that u dont shave it offf. u looked soooo scary.u know wat wld be good??? Shave off half ur head and leave half of it in the scary style. so that way ul have a nice shiny bald half head and a wild freaky other half. ^__^. im so smart. i know!!!!
Fuzzy Wuzzy

11:40 PM  
Blogger Eris said...

that pic is a pain in the butt. im telling you, if one more creepy dude on the internet wants to be my friend im gonna do something drastic. and i am shaving all of my head, forget about the half thing. dont worry, it'll grow back. and im not shaving my head till at least the 25th of april after my exams get over, so you have time to admire my hair.

6:09 AM  

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