First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Orange Crap

You know what? The whole world seems to be in two minds about the whole O.C thing. Now, when I say the whole world, I mean the sad people who have nothing better to do with their lives then watch third rate teen dramas and when I say in two minds, I mean the sane people who hate it and the stupid people who love it.
I’m telling if I hear one more girl squealing about omg! That Amazing New Show With The Really Hot Guy one. more. time… bad things are going to happen that would probably land me in jail. Hot guy? Are you serious? From which angle people?!?!
Of course there is a third category of people… the completely insane people who think the show is hilarious and watch it simply to ridicule it. Guess which category I belong to. Go on, take a wild guess.

And now… for your reading pleasure, I give you… The O.C!

Stick insect (a.k.a Marissa) - Oh my! My father is finally getting a divorce from that cow he married and the creep I used to go out with is finally shacking up with someone else leaving the way clear for the guy I’m really in lust with. Oh I am sooo afflicted! What can I do to get more attention? Oh I know! Let me overdose on these pain killers because I’m 16 years old but I still can’t distinguish between physical and emotional pain!

Summer- Oh no! Marissa is missing! And so are my painkillers! Gosh! What could this possibly mean?!?!

Seth and Ryan- *blinkblink*

Stick insect- Ok so here I am in a seedy bar being stared by seedy people about to overdose on painkillers. What can I do to make this even more ridiculous? Oh! I know! Why don’t I wash them down with alcohol!

The dream team- *run around like headless chickens before stopping to scratch their heads* What were we looking for again?

Stick insect- Now that I’m properly drunk I finally have the sense to realize that I should get out of this bar. Wait! That was a sensible thing to do! Now I have to do some other stupid thing. Oh I know! I’ll leave the nice, safe crowded place and go lie down in a dark alley!
Oh! I’m so tired, I think I’ll take a nap.

The dream team- Ok look there she is in that alley! What a perfectly normal place to be.

Summer- Oh my gosh! She’s covered in *gasp* sweat! Oh I cannot look! Hold me Seth!

Seth- Guh!

Ryan- You guys stay here! I’ll save her! I’m not afraid of sweat! You stay there and hold on to the weak woman and instead of the two of us carrying her I will pick up the stick insect and strike a dramatic pose at the end of the alleyway.

Is this the end of Marissa’s stupidity? Are we finally free of the mindless angst?

Well duh! No way!
Next episode- The stick insect is sitting 50 ft in the air with a very nauseous Ryan who is afraid of heights and thinks to herself – oh this would be the perfect time for me to stick my mouth over his! Bleargh!

The entire cast of O.C- Oh woe is us! We’re all extremely rich and live at the beach and the weather is perfect all year round. Lets sit around and grumble about how miserable our lives are!


Blogger Panacea said...

*sigh* have never seen a sigle episode, though people in this country are addicted to that crap because they started showing the second season here only a month ago.

It sounds quite funny. Actually I should really watch it to mock it, at least it will give me some comic relief in my IB infested life :)

11:58 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

Maybe you should add a fourth category. For people who haven't a clue what you're talking about.

3:47 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

pan- oh you definitely need to watch it.

lei- hey man, if you didnt know anything about it earlier, you definitely know all you need to know now.

3:53 AM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

Oh, wow. An excellent rendition.
You should see the second season. It gets even better. (lol-marissa stick insect!)

Oh, right, I'm one of those losers who actually watches the OC. I feel like a stupid American teenager, which I *so* am not. And it's not that I actually *like* it...It's just... addictive, I guess.

OK, fine, i need professional help. But isn't the first step recognising that there's a problem? =)

11:44 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

the second step is realising that its your problem and other people's opinion doesn't matter. unless the other person happens to be me, in which case it does.
ugh! i have no time to watch and consequently mock the O.C. its so sad i'll probably miss most of the second season. ahem. ikindalikeseththoughhesfunny. im going to go kill myself now.

10:43 PM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

What's that? 'I kinda like Seth, though, he's funny?'
No? I knew that couldn't possibly ne right. =)
Phew. Feel bettr now that I've got that off my chest.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

of course it's not that thing you said it was... ahem. i deny everything!!!!!! and yeah they are. but you didnt hear that from me.

10:54 PM  

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