First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Right. So. The whole hair streaking thing turned out to be a total disaster. Is anybody surprised?
My friend, B ( my accomplice in operation Mulberry Bush) was under house arrest because her mother has this irrational concern about her actually passing her exams ( don’t ask me why, people worry about the strangest things) so………….. cue the creepy music………I decided to do it myself.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I did it myself, alone and unsupervised. Well, not completely alone, my cousin R stood a safe distance away and laughed his arse off ( he did the same thing that time I started a fire in the kitchen and that other time I poisoned the dog and that time when I fell off the custard apple tree and that time I thought it would be a good idea to wear my roller-skates while I cut the salad and that unfortunate incident with the…. never mind) - but he has chicken pox now so it just goes to show….. I have connections. Mwahahaha. Ahem. Anyway…….
My mother has decreed that from now on I am not to be allowed contact with any sort of dye ( hair or otherwise) without adult supervision and said adult supervision is not to be conducted by my father who once let me paint his toenails purple and then went to the club wearing sandals.
But I lurve my mommy!!!!! Wanna know why? It’s because she comes up with the most amazing ideas. Allow me to explain.
I have really short hair at the moment, so I didn’t need to use all of the hair dye and my mother comes home, takes one look at my head, sees the left over dye and says- get this- she says “Why don’t you use the rest of it on your brother’s hair?”
So I’m standing there, thinking did I really just hear that? Is it Christmas already? What on earth did he do to piss her of this much? ………….. And when did my mother get this evil? ………. Hmmm.. I wonder if its hereditary….
To properly understand my enthusiasm, you must bear in mind that I have wild, brown curls and my brother has straight, jet black, SHINY hair that I have envied my entire life. Get the picture?
So she convinces him to go along with it and he sits there with his eyes closed ( I think he was praying) and actually lets me dye his hair!!!!!!! I kept cackling like a bloody maniac and he still let me do it!!!!!!
Well…. He sure as heck regrets it now. Mwhahahaha. Ahem.
I’m alright now.
And you know what the best part is, we’re in the same college ( he’s 2 years older than me) and I got to see him walking around all day wearing a cap! Lol.
Well, he had to, to cover up with big orange patch in front ( hey, is it my fault he panicked after I was done and washed it off too early?)
And I swear my mother is evil…… she stood there and took pictures. Wow. I just can’t compete with her. My brother must have rrrrrrrrreaaaaaaaaally pissed her off.
Anyway, after I dyed my bro’s hair, poor virtual chameleon was treated to yet another phone call from a seriously hyped up me and he was kind enough to inform me that I was a cruel, cruel woman……….. though that didn’t stop him from asking me for the pictures. Sorry to say, VC, my bro’s not that crazy. The pictures have already been destroyed.
So that concludes that story……………. Please send your blessings to my brother, the poor guy really needs them *snigger* and your sympathies to Virtual Chameleon. The boy has been through so much ( midnight calls from me when I’ve had too much coffee and a shopping excursion for “female products” with my friend Babs and I after which he had to carry them around in a transparent bag among other things) and yet he refuses to cave under the pressure and off himself.
His continued existence is a tribute to his patience and belief in the human race………. Not to mention his dream of someday being involved in my slow and painful death.
So carry on people and hope to the Gods you never piss me off. Mwhahahahaha. I’ll sick my mum on you and she’s descended from a long line of warriors ……….. and quite a few poets but we don’t talk about them.

I just re-read this, and I really do need professional help, don’t I?
Everyone who thinks I do require the services of a licensed psychiatrist say Aye!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AYEEEEEEEE u neeed the srvice of a million licenced psyhiatrists. ur poor poor brother. he has my heart felt sympathies. but this does not mean i dont want to see his orange patch. i still do. I do. i do i do. really i do. And poor R. he's got chicken pox.he should not have eaten chicken with all that bird flu scare going around. hahahaha.stupid me!!!! u know that already.^__^. i hope u get the chicken pox frm him for being so mean.i wont coz ive had it. hahahaha. k kidding.u fell of a custard apple tree??? hahahaa. wen??? salad on roller skates??? how come i dont know bout this??? hahahahah.okie bye now. pls take out some pics of ur bro.maybe wen he is asleep coz im sure he will not show me his beautiful orange patch. u should have coloured some of R's hair too.^__^lol.thank goodness i want near u wen u were doing all this. phew-- FuzzyWuzzy

8:01 PM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

You know im gonna make sure your death is as painful as it can be (considering my knowledge of poisons, bombs and other fun stuff)im gonna be there laughing my ass off

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ur hair looks good.atleast better tahn it used to.*hehehe*.And r u dying it blue wid me.If u r then tell me I am doing it inky blue.And finally I think ur going 2 b Kurei but instead of his dad ur mom's gonna help I have a job now so wont spend much time

1:03 AM  
Blogger Leilani said...


4:02 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

fuzz- aww honey, i like the name. no worries there. people! pity me. this is what i have for a cousin!
fuzz, you dumb ass! you're the bloody nutter who made me fall off the damn tree!!!! you're the one who was jumping up and down on that thin branch that broke! and you dont get bird flu from eating the chicken, only from contact with the infected poultry. and just because you were saved this time, doesnt mean i wont get you next. mwhahahaha.

VC- awww, you know you love me. and i know more about poisons than you do. remember, im the one who took out that book on poisonous plants and im the one who likes gardening....... so i'd watch out if i were you.

devil- heck yeah! im dyeing my hair blue with you! you do realize this means that we wont be able to take that video in front of the blue screen, right? our hair wouldn't show up. unless........ hey we could give me fire for hair! cooooool. im so childish, arent i? i am not kurei!!!!! im just his half sister *grin*. and since when has being at work ever stopped you from slacking off before? i cant believe they pay you to surf the web and read my books.

lei- mean. you're just mean. i hate you with the fire of a thousand burning suns. i hope you and the creep get married and have lots of creepy babies.and post soon!

6:03 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

OK then ill skip the poisons and just blow you to tiny bits and pieces.

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey no pity u. im a nice,cute adorable,wonderful cousin. hey how should i remeber that was why u fell of the custard apple tree. too bad u dont have balance. besides i was a lil girl back then. i was not aware of wat i was doin. i was innocent.^__^.u can never get me.i rule!!! Fuzzy Wuzzy rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
^__^ if u dont get bird flu frm eatin the chicken then why arent ppl eatin it???? huh???? hehehehee.dont forget to take pici of ur bro??? byeee

9:54 AM  
Blogger Panacea said...

and here you tell me that I have problems, have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?

Ah, the joys of problematic hair dye. I should tell you about my orange hair story sometime. I don't think my friends are ever going to let me live that one down.

I agree with everyone, you're a horrible person and you should definitely post some pictures up here.

oh and I almost forgot *Aye*!

12:12 PM  
Blogger Eris said...

vc- i thought my death was sposed to be slow and painful?

fuzz- people dont eat the chicken coz they're stupid and ignorant. but keep in mind that the chicken must be heated to at least 70C before being consumed. and damn you! you're the reason my ankle is permanently screwed!

pan- ahem, im going to pretend that you did not just question my sanity. and what orange hair story? i dont know any orange hair story. wait..... could you possibly be talking about that time you left the dye in your hair and forgot all about it coz you were too engrossed in your book and then your hair turned orange and you called tpf for help and she fell out of her chair laughing? nah, that's probably not it. *snigger*

5:07 AM  
Blogger Panacea said...

Actually, if I was reading a book, it wouln't have been that embarrassing and knowing me, it would even have been acceptable.
I was ahem...umm...being rather shallow and watching the MTV movie awards, the one where Tom Cruise got the Lifetime Achievement Award and came on stage with Dakota Fanning (the little blonde girl in The War Of the Worlds..dont even ask me why I know her name)

Alright, I should stop embarrassing myself further here...

7:48 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

hey! you told me you were reading! ooooooh this changes everything! oh, how can you show your face in public?

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ppl are mad they shd eat chicken.
soooo yummmmmmmmmm. amn im hungry!!!
hey notmy fault ur stupid ankle is screwed. u have weak bones. and if it ismy fault then..... i love myself. hahaha\
fuzzy Wuzzy

11:23 PM  

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