First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Let’s review, shall we?

Right. So this last week,

I planted a few more bluebells round the place. I stole the seeds from various places and germinated them in damp cotton in one of my mum’s jewelry cases and then stuck them in pots or the ground. I love bluebells!
Anyway, so I did a bit of gardening (my basil is defying all odds and continues to live), got kissed by a girl, by two girls actually, both times in public, (joy-oh… just what I’ve always bloody wanted) read something almost made me cry, ( it almost made me cry, that’s really saying something) nearly went mad from non-stop practicals, presentations, lectures, due assignments and my animation projects, completely embarrassed myself, ( only once in a whole week, cause for celebration people!) and I’m not telling you how , found out that my best friend was in police custody, tripped on the road, felt the urge to rip someone’s face off at least a dozen times… a day, whacked a guy in the goolies twice ( im writing this in msword and it appears that goolies is not in fact a proper word. Shocker that. So I checked out the possibilities acc to msword and it came up with goalies and goodies. Heh. There’s only so many places the imagination can go.) fell in love with coffee all over again, converted another person to slashaholicism, got yelled at by a couple of teachers, bought some new underwear ( black of course), found out a boy I knew from camp has been dead for a couple of months now, posted on Lei’s blog, found the time for a swim once, studied nothing ( and my exams start day after tmm), re-read the funniest bloody fic in the world, had a few freak showers ( as in unexpected rainfall… not anything else, you lot don’t need to know that much about my life), saw good morning Vietnam again ( I’d forgotten how much I loved that movie) and finally remembered to burn nero for a friend of mine. Oh! And I have a maths exam on Monday and we have error functions, beta gamma functions, laplace transformations, differentiation of vectors, fourier series, aaaaaaand shit, I cant even remember the names of the other chapters, so naturally, I’m here posting. I can’t even begin to tell you how interesting it all is, coz that would be lying and it is lent after all.

Yup, it’s been a pretty quiet week.


Blogger Leilani said...

It's lent?

1:34 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

i think so, yeah. i wouldn't know... i spend the entire time during mass laughing at the priest and wondering how long A will last this time before giving up and going to play TT at the gym.
just so you know, we're all going to hell.

10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but A never lasts u know that. u know we should start sending notes to the priest wit KISS written on em.At least to squeaky Fr V. hehehe. im so cruel. im sleepy

12:47 AM  
Blogger Panacea said...

I think I will be joining you people in hell. Trust me, its not that bad up there once you get used to it!

You had a way better week than mine. By the way all your friends you have converted into slashaholicism should thank me because I started you on it and I am also the source of your best recs. (I am not sure if its something I should be proud of, oh well!)

6:13 AM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

I didn't know it was lent either. But of course, I quite suck at keeping track of this type of occurrence.
Oooo, your maths sounds so interesting. Yes, i'm being serious. Yes, I find maths interesting. No, there is no need to mock me.
I pestered my mum to buy basil and rosemary once. The house filled up with midges. I guess you've been more successful!
Sooo, any chance of telling us details on your embarrassment incident? chances are I can relate...

1:25 PM  
Blogger Eris said...

fuzz. shup. you hardly know that mass is going on. you spend all your time yawning and playing with your hair. and after fr. C's incredibly long sermon, i actually prefer squeaky fr.V

pan- honey, first off, if it wasnt for me, you wouldnt even know about slash and secondly, you havent sent me any recs in ages!!!
like an education is that important!

tpf- ugh. midges. poor you. but im not always that lucky. my mum and i love roses, but every rose plant that comes anywhere near my garden dies a horrible death. im serious. they opened up a nursery across the street ....and went out of business. lol. i want rosemary too, dont know if it'll grow here though. pan has orders to get me some seeds if she ever gets here.
cant believe you like maths.
and the whole embarrassment thing? these guys were playing cricket and i was walking past and the ball came flying in my direction and i flinched away but they were screaming at me to catch it ( actually they were screaming ballballball, but i got the idea) and i tried to catch it at the last minute and missed by a bloody mile and they had to send someone to get it and it had gone sooooooooo far away and thank you for making me relive that.

yikes, long comment.

10:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are u saying i sleep durin mass??? or that i do not pay attention????huh???? i resent that!!!!
i DSO NOT play wit my hair and i DO NOT yawn. i jus close my eyes. coz they are tired. I DO NOT sleep either, incase u thinkin that. and ya Fr c's sermon was sooooooooo long. wat was it about again????
anyway see ya

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U being kissed by Girls I know about.Something actually made u almost cry??Weakling.Ne way ur a normal human after all (insane but normal).Wat animation project??Photoshop or 3d coz both r left.I started on spikes.Have ideas 4 others also but those r ur characters.but I am helping wid d weapons.I am thankful I didnt meet u last week I was down also,so we wud have probably bashed each other just 2 remove anger.I have it still filled in me so some1's gonna get hurt but dont know who.
And talking about hell,I will be waiting 4 u down there.

3:46 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

fuzz- yeah ha. i believe you. sure.

d in the ml- thank you for the incentive to go to heaven. sure, you can help with weapons, not the characters though, i need some marks too. and damn, i completely forgot about the photoshop project.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u never cease to amaze me!.....u my luv-ah

7:06 AM  

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