First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Polly Voo Franzy?

I never liked languages much. Except for English, but that doesn't really count. Take French, for example. I only studied it at school because some deluded tosser (can't recall who) told me that it was easier to deal with than Hindi and Marathi *shudder*. I can't help it that I don't have any linguistic skills.
Quite frankly, I don't see what the point was. Taking a two year long French module didn't really make a world of difference to my marks. To add insult to injury, I can't speak word of it (although I do know that the Eiffel tower is 321 metres high). Fat lot of good that did.
I can't say I didn't enjoy myself though. The classes were occasionally and somewhat amusing. We had one teacher who'd wear rather... er... unusual earrings. They bore a striking resmblance to Christmas tree ornaments. She even taught us a song about planting cabbages. Apart from that, she was quite alright, really.
Moving to the UK meant I'd be leaving behind the Marathi and Hindi (mphmphahahaha), but sadly, not the French. Oh I didn't have to deal with it any more, but my sister did. And she used to be worse at it than I was... and that's saying something. Now however, she speaks almost fluently... with the proper accent... and she knows swear words too. All this in less than a year. I am miffed.
Maybe they do a better job of teaching it here. Maybe the teachers are actually French. I know my sister's teacher is French. He's also quirky and 'modern' and got one of the other teachers pregnant, but I won't go into that right now. They even have exchange programs, which I suppose do the trick. Throw a hapless student into the midst of a family that can only speak French, and they're bound to learn something, right?
My flatmates have gone on exchange programs before. Once we were having a discussion about how all five of us are so different, yet get along so well (Eris, don't roll your eyes). Then Pange said,"Isn't this great? Between us we can speak so many different languages! We can all speak English. Lor, Sez and I can speak French. Lou can speak Spanish AND Italian. And Lei can speak Indian!" Indian??? Excuse me while I laugh my head off.
pause (laughter in background)...
Right. I'll stop now. And for those who are wondering... that is IF anyone is wondering, I stole the title of this post from Mark Twain's 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'. In which Huck doesn't see the point of having different languages when the same things can be said in one language... that doesn't make sense, does it? Anyhoo, he says Polly Voo Franzy instead of Parlez vous Francais.
I'll be off then. And Eris? Try not to be too mean *makes puppy dog eyes and pouts*.


Blogger Panacea said...

It was really stupid of me not to continue French when I first came here because I used to be rather good at it in India. I thought that since I was going to start studying Italian, studying two lanuages would have made it difficut and now I feel like an idiot. Almost every one in my school here is bilingual or some of them even trilingual. I guess I'm really jealous most of the times, but at least I know a bit of Italian so I'm glad.

haha, everyone me asks me if I speak Indian. Its rather funny actually.

*sigh* I completely agree, Eris can be the most horrible person in the world sometimes, although I can never imagine her being nice.

PS: great description of our old french teacher. What was up with the stupid christmas tree earings she wore?

Sorry for the long comment, you can just ignore me!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

just so you know, you cant say mean things about me in my own blog. and i am not mean!!!
gosh, honey, the french teacher just sucked in school. in col its waaay more fun. though i still cant speak for nuts. and we had an exchange program too ( its just that no one went coz they had it while the bloody cets were going on). i just wish i had french in my degree course now. the lucky BA kids get to study stuff by victor hugo!
and 'savez vous plantez les chou?' was the funniest song ever! i swear, whoever came up with that one was either on crack or drunk or possibly both. though i get the feeling it has a double meaning that would scandalize even me.
and the quirky teacher who got the other one pregnant sounds like fun. but i have to say, having met your sister, its only a matter of time before she drives him to suicide. you think she'll teach me some of the bad words? i think my imperitive is a bit off for f*** off.
and i hope you wacked the dabba who thinks you speak indian. just out of curiosity, how many languages do they have in india anyway? 300?
and see, i wasnt mean.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

panacea... I don't mind the long comment at all.

eris... hon... I've already said mean things about you in your own blog. And the 'quirky teacher' thinks my sister is the best pupil in the class because she's so quiet *snort*. She doesn't shut up normally.

4:50 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

I hope that i never have to do another language.speaking another language as a hobby is OK, but learning it as a subject just takes the fun out of it.Believe me, I suffered thru hindi and marathi in school and someone told me french would be fun so i took in college(I beat the crap out of that person later).For me english is fine.

PS:Eris, it doesnt get better in BA.They are doing same 12th std grammer and a novel 'Fantine'

6:27 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

And please remove the comment moderation coz then we can see what people really think and not what you choose for us to read

6:29 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

And please remove the comment moderation coz then we can see what people really think and not what you choose for us to read

6:29 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

yeah right, im gonna get rid of the comment moderation so you can get revenge for ..... well, for sooo many things. lol dream on.
and shouldn't you be studying? or was the bet for all your subjects and not just one?

12:18 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

the bet was for just one which im sure of today(maths 1).I made up some theorems of my own.

5:50 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

oh dont you just lurve coming up with your own theorems during exams? you should've seen some of my derivations in physics... newton would've been proud.

9:16 PM  
Blogger Leilani said...

You sure he's not turning in his grave, then?

1:35 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

oh shush you. you have no idea how much progress i've made in physics. know how there're 3 main theories in physics concerning the propagation of light? i came up with the fourth.

10:05 PM  

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