First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer screen, with my hair so full of hair spray you could break bricks with it, listening to Corrine Bailey Rae singing about letting my hair down ( sorry hun, even without the hairspray it has this tendency to defy gravity), also listening to my brother and cousin Monty plotting to get rid of my grand aunt ( don’t worry bubble, I told them you’d be upset) and for some strange reason I just so happen to be wearing sunglasses.
Holy week was actually kinda fun this time and was spent reading Memoirs of a Geisha, Pyramids ( yet again) and Carpe Jugulum ( God bless you Devil in the moonlight). I realize it’s not supposed to be fun and it usually isn’t what with the family being so serious and going for the services in the church with my aunt where we always end up fighting.
That’s changed in the past few years. For one thing, I refuse to go for mass with my aunt anymore and am a much nicer person as a result. lol.
Bubblegum and I went for the services together and it was really fun.

On Maundy Thursday , as you heard, bubble broke her heels and that was interesting to say the least. I don’t know what she expected, wearing 3 and a half inch pencil heels to walk in the mud.

On Good Friday, I got stuck bringing Grand Aunt Ella home and Bubble thought that was hilarious. I’m gonna kill Monty for disappearing so conveniently. But the service was nice and the best or the worst (can’t decide) part was when they were singing the reproaches. The old man singing
My people, what have I done to you?
How have I offended you? Answer me.
sounded just like my grandfather and it just made me so very sad. The way he sang the how have I offended you bit was heart breaking, like he was really desperate to know why we hurt him so after everything he did for us. Like he was asking if it wasn’t enough and that’s why we were punishing him and pleading for us to tell him what he could do to make us happy. It made me really miss my grandfather but I still love listening to someone singing with a deep voice like that. It’s just beautiful.

On Holy Saturday, bubble, crusty and I nearly got thrown out of the church coz they just wouldn’t stop laughing. I swear, bubble gets high on saliva.
So we’re sitting there for the Easter Vigil and playing with our candles while bubble keeps one eye on the minor she’s currently going out with, ( Not that that’s so difficult to do, I swear the back of his head looks like Darth Vader’s helmet. *snigger*.) laughing about the fact that he’s a chair wiper. Seriously, I know the mass is out on the grounds and I know there’s dew and stuff but people look so ridiculous wiping down their chairs.
So mass ended with the priests cracking a few sad jokes about Easter eggs and the bird flu and the after a solid round of wishes and whatnot, Monty and I brought A.Ella home. Poor Monty was in such a hurry because he had a party to get to and he wanted to actually get there before the food got over. Lol. It was so funny watching him with his shirtsleeves rolled up, trying to catch a rick while I tried to keep A.Ella alive. She seems to laboring under the delusion that speeding traffic is something other people have to worry about. ( on a side note, now I’m listening to Walkaway by Thomas Newman. Has anyone heard his music? Just brilliant. I highly recommend it. That and Yoko Kanno.)

* laughter in the background*

Monty and I are eating watermelon and that piggy’s squirting himself with juice all over! The poor guy can’t eat anything else. Apparently he enjoyed himself a little too much at that party last night.
Anyway, it’s Easter Sunday and I’ve been getting Easter eggs, which is always good. The one Fuzz gave me is a really cute one, or at least it was a really cute one, with a bunny and a carrot and flowers all over it. I ate the carrot, the flowers and the bunny’s ears and tail for breakfast. Ha! Fun!
Lol. Now I’m listening to mattafix going to and fro and my father’s in the kitchen dancing while he cooks the chicken and my mother and my brother are arguing about when to go out while I keep interrupting to dance with mum and Aunty Audrey’s sitting there pretending that we don’t exist and this is the kind of Sunday I love best.

So, of course I had to come online and wish every one of you a very Happy Easter. A time for hope and new beginnings. Make good use of your lives people, you’ll never get it back. And I don’t mean be productive or something equally insipid, I mean live your lives feeling so thoroughly grateful to be alive because no matter how bad things get, this is a game and it is your game and you’re here to play. So even if you’re losing, do it with flair and maybe you’ll be invited back for the next round.
………okay I don’t know where that came from, but I think I’ll keep it if you don’t mind.

Oh gosh, my mum just said she liked the music… time to listen to some limp bizkit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eris get a grip ur getting all mushy and stuff.D thing wid life and stuff and thing.Every 1 gets to play once even if u get a second chance how d hell r u gonna remember??Some1 is employed to format brains which means nothing is left in it.Yeah I am grateful 4 my life and I do pray every nite I know most ppl dont admit it but wat if I dont get up d next day I wudnt have thanked God b4 ending "d game " as u say.But me still d lil devil sent to dance on ppls nerves till they almost reach breaking point but never break them.U can actually write good stuff still asking u to consider making a blogworld(something I think hasnt been made,its this place where u make ppl imaginative or real and create short stories abt them)If u want silly stuuf well I think no1 can b as silly as me..Something I am proud of.and if I u ever need help just ask,help not books,help.Books I will give,u wont have to ask.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

i am NOT mushy!!!
that said, i shall consider the blogworld thing.
and that was, on some level, very sweet. i might just give you that easter egg you wanted.

8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sry me havent commented ina log time.
hey tell monty and ur bro ill help wit their plot.heheheehe. hey me too miss papa. i dont remember him much. i was small. but ya i miss him a lot.snif and he died on my b'day. snif snif. i wont ever forget him. he was sooooooo sweeeeeettt.

anyway like i heard, u had a nice time bringing a.ella home nah??? hehehehehe. i escaped too.

monty has alwayz been a piggy and always will beeee.
anyway glad u liked the easter egg. pity bout the buny's ears and tail though
anyway see ya

3:05 AM  
Blogger Leilani said...

Wow Eris... that was deep and quite frankly, touching.

Please listen to some Limp Bizkit now, and go back to how you were, alright luv?

8:24 AM  
Blogger Leilani said...

Oh and Happy Easter, by the by.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Panacea said...

ooh so did you like Memoirs of a Geisha or did you see the movie before reading the book and ruin it all?

You're a big ol'softie. Everybody knows it, I don't know why you bother pretending otherwise really!

9:08 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

fuzz- yeah, i'm gonna get you back for ditching me with a.ella.
it's k, comment whenever you like.

lei- hmm, what exactly are you trying to say about me?

pan- i haven't seen the movie yet. i refused to see it till i'd finished the book and boy am i glad i did. i loved the book, it's really nice and pretty hard to believe that it wasn't really written by a geisha, you know?

3:06 AM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...

You are so mushy, don't even try to deny it!
Heh, it's weird whem mums recognize and/or like the music.

4:20 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

I AM NOT MUSHY!!!!!!!!

7:40 AM  
Blogger Panacea said...

Cookie, you're mushier than I am, and you know how mushy that is!

9:21 AM  
Blogger Eris said...


12:50 AM  
Blogger The Poodle's Friend said...


3:39 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

i'll tell my mommy you're being mean to me!

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey people dont listen to eris.this nut is really really mushy. ^__^
And u can never get back at me for ditching a.ella.
na na nanana

3:15 AM  

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