First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

im back!!!

hiya folks,
now i have so very many things to apologise for... not least for not posting for so long.
im sorry that this post isnt typed properly but i just don't have the time and i really could not be arsed.
im sorry i havent posted for ages but i've been sick and i had exams and then i went out of town ( more on that later).
and most of all, im sorry because i havent introduced the other members of my blog!
first to join was leilani whom i first met in school when she had to play a tree in one of the school she was definitely the best person in that entire crowd. you know what i mean, you always have that one person who's just calmer and more intelligent and no matter what messes everyone else gets into, you know that this person will be there with a clear head and just never has to worry.i've always loved her wit ( you know the kind of dry wit that you just cant help laughing at?) and she's the first person i thought of asking... not just because she folded my bedsheets at camp.

next was virtual chameleon. now there's a nutter you never want to meet. i met him in col a coupla years a ago and we got along like a house on fire ( you know, people screaming, flames, things exploding....). he's fun ---- oh my gosh! i've no idea what movie this is but im watching arnold shwasenwhatever talking to a head sticking out of a guy's stomach. yuck--- anyway, like i was saying, vc is fun to talk to especially if you've had to much coffee and can't get to sleep. seriously, listening to him whine about being woken up is the funnest thing ever and i love the way he scratches his beard ( the one he thinks is so cool) and says iiiiiiiiiiiiiifyousayso.

and last but not least..... bubblegum!!!!! she's hilarious! she's anglo-indian, very pretty, highly disturbed, named after a city and she's dating a minor. she's my very best friend in the indian sub-continent ( heck, in all of asia even) and it's just the creepiest thing that nut, bubble and i all three have the curliest hair ever.the other day i picked up the phone and bubble's on the other end of the line saying sniff. (huh?) just sniff! so i decide to see where this goes and i sniff and she says yay! your cold's gone!. i have no idea why, but i just thought that was the sweetest thing.

anyway, that's the gang. i hope you lot will get to know them and love them just as i do. if not, well............ you wouldn't be the first.


Blogger virtualchameleon said...

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!

12:13 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

and I do NOT whine

12:15 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

yes you do.
and how could i not pause, there was a yucky head sticking out of that guys stomach!

12:18 AM  
Blogger Leilani said...

I wasn't a TREE!!!! I was MOTHER NATURE for crying out loud!!!! You were a fruit, though I can't remember which one. Or were you a flower?

6:25 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

i was the narrator!!!............ i think.

8:32 AM  
Blogger virtualchameleon said...

Btw I shaved the beard off

9:19 AM  
Blogger Eris said...

honey, it'll be back in 2 days flat.

1:31 AM  
Blogger Panacea said...

OMG, I was in the chorus of that play and the Piano teacher put her lipstick on me and I was so grossed out and couldn't sing for the whole performance.

5:13 AM  

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