First the thunder, then the storm...

Not entirely sane, but thanks for asking.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hey look, a crack post!

Damn, I’m so sleepy. You wouldn’t believe just how sleepy I am. It’s like at any moment, of any day, underlying everything I feel, everything I want…. food, more time to study before my test, the damn bus to get here already so I can get to the next class on time…….is this desperate need to sleep. And chocolate. That doesn’t change. And sometimes ice-cream. And lollipops. And sometimes there’s this urge to bite someone.


Anyway, this post is just to declare my undying love for my pillow. Yes, that’s right. My pillow. Its sooooo nice and soft and smells soooooooooooooo good. And it’s just the right amount of fluffy…… you know, fluffy so your head sinks in but firm enough to actually provide some support. And my blankie!!!!!! Soooooooo soft and red and fuzzy and warm and my bed-sheet with the horses on it and the one with the puppies and the kittens and guh. I wanna sleeeeeeeeep.
This is insane. I’m usually a raving insomniac. During the summer vacation, the rest of the world is asleep ( well, the part of it in this time zone anyway) and I’m awake till 3-freakin-30 in the morning wondering what the f*** I’m going to have to do before I finally get to sleep. I try everything, crunches, push-ups, heck knows what else right before going to bed but I still cant get the sandman to give me the time of day…er night. It’s like I need to be occupied all day or I’m just not tired enough to go to sleep. And my biggest fear as a child was that I’d wake up in the middle of the night and have nothing to do. I swear, I used to sleep with a rubber band under my pillow so I’d have something to play with when I woke up. Course, that’s all changed now. I usually love being awake when everyone’s asleep. But that’s when I’m well rested and not till it’s a reasonable time to actually wake up. I mean, there’s only so much music you can listen to before you’re bloody fed up.
And it’s at times like those that I wish I was busier.
…………… I never did have much sense.

Nowadays, my bloody alarm goes off at 5.30am. I’m finally awake and functioning at around 6.15 and its off to college at around 7.15. After a rousing round of lectures and tutorials about electronics, maths, programming, algorithms and everything related to information technology – if I’m lucky enough not to have practicals- its off to another college for my diploma course in graphics and animation , which , alright, I can admit, is a whole lot of fun but it can get reaaaaaaaally tiring. And then, if I have any energy at all and if I don’t have a tutorial or assignments due the next day, I’ll go to the gym. Why? Because I love going to the gym. Read the post on leilani’s blog, its all there. How sad is it that the highlight of my day is the traveling I do to and fro from colleges? No, seriously, I can’t read in the bus coz I’ll feel sick, so it’s just sit there and look out the window. Nothing I can do in the meantime, no projects or homework… nothing. Why on earth do you think I walk whenever I can? It’s like a bloody rest.
But why did you need to know all this? ……… well, I don’t know. But its my blog and I’ll ramble if I want to.( sung to the tune of *its my party and I’ll cry if I want to*)
Sorry, that’s just my inner brat reaching out.

The point is, and yes, ladies and gents, this post does have a point, my pillow is the only one who reaaaaally loves me. Sniff. You just don’t understand my snugglebun. No one does!
You know how you take people to meet your parents? Well, I’d have them meet my pillow……..( and Bob, my imaginary friend with the silky black hair that reaches his shoulders, grey eyes and the black leather jacket he always wears, except when he *ahem* doesn’t. )………. Alright, I just realized what meeting my pillow sounds like and I just want to say, people, get out of the gutter……….. I was here first.
I realize I sound completely insane but in my defense, I’ve had waaaaaaaay too much chocolate and ice-cream and I’m really high right now. I swear, Virtual cham, I can picture you rolling your eyes and going again but hey look on the bright side, at least this time I didn’t call you and you didn’t have to visit quote that better place endquote that you retreat to every time you talk to me. Have I mentioned that you’re mean?
So are you lei. Despite the declarations of love. And pan, don’t get me started on you. Sniff, and here I thought you people loved me. Devil in the moonlight- you don’t get a single lollipop till I get my candy canes and that new pratchett. ( didn’t I just tell you lot to get out of the gutter?)
I’m gonna go now…. To a better place… Pillow Puff-a-lot beckons.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Let’s review, shall we?

Right. So this last week,

I planted a few more bluebells round the place. I stole the seeds from various places and germinated them in damp cotton in one of my mum’s jewelry cases and then stuck them in pots or the ground. I love bluebells!
Anyway, so I did a bit of gardening (my basil is defying all odds and continues to live), got kissed by a girl, by two girls actually, both times in public, (joy-oh… just what I’ve always bloody wanted) read something almost made me cry, ( it almost made me cry, that’s really saying something) nearly went mad from non-stop practicals, presentations, lectures, due assignments and my animation projects, completely embarrassed myself, ( only once in a whole week, cause for celebration people!) and I’m not telling you how , found out that my best friend was in police custody, tripped on the road, felt the urge to rip someone’s face off at least a dozen times… a day, whacked a guy in the goolies twice ( im writing this in msword and it appears that goolies is not in fact a proper word. Shocker that. So I checked out the possibilities acc to msword and it came up with goalies and goodies. Heh. There’s only so many places the imagination can go.) fell in love with coffee all over again, converted another person to slashaholicism, got yelled at by a couple of teachers, bought some new underwear ( black of course), found out a boy I knew from camp has been dead for a couple of months now, posted on Lei’s blog, found the time for a swim once, studied nothing ( and my exams start day after tmm), re-read the funniest bloody fic in the world, had a few freak showers ( as in unexpected rainfall… not anything else, you lot don’t need to know that much about my life), saw good morning Vietnam again ( I’d forgotten how much I loved that movie) and finally remembered to burn nero for a friend of mine. Oh! And I have a maths exam on Monday and we have error functions, beta gamma functions, laplace transformations, differentiation of vectors, fourier series, aaaaaaand shit, I cant even remember the names of the other chapters, so naturally, I’m here posting. I can’t even begin to tell you how interesting it all is, coz that would be lying and it is lent after all.

Yup, it’s been a pretty quiet week.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Polly Voo Franzy?

I never liked languages much. Except for English, but that doesn't really count. Take French, for example. I only studied it at school because some deluded tosser (can't recall who) told me that it was easier to deal with than Hindi and Marathi *shudder*. I can't help it that I don't have any linguistic skills.
Quite frankly, I don't see what the point was. Taking a two year long French module didn't really make a world of difference to my marks. To add insult to injury, I can't speak word of it (although I do know that the Eiffel tower is 321 metres high). Fat lot of good that did.
I can't say I didn't enjoy myself though. The classes were occasionally and somewhat amusing. We had one teacher who'd wear rather... er... unusual earrings. They bore a striking resmblance to Christmas tree ornaments. She even taught us a song about planting cabbages. Apart from that, she was quite alright, really.
Moving to the UK meant I'd be leaving behind the Marathi and Hindi (mphmphahahaha), but sadly, not the French. Oh I didn't have to deal with it any more, but my sister did. And she used to be worse at it than I was... and that's saying something. Now however, she speaks almost fluently... with the proper accent... and she knows swear words too. All this in less than a year. I am miffed.
Maybe they do a better job of teaching it here. Maybe the teachers are actually French. I know my sister's teacher is French. He's also quirky and 'modern' and got one of the other teachers pregnant, but I won't go into that right now. They even have exchange programs, which I suppose do the trick. Throw a hapless student into the midst of a family that can only speak French, and they're bound to learn something, right?
My flatmates have gone on exchange programs before. Once we were having a discussion about how all five of us are so different, yet get along so well (Eris, don't roll your eyes). Then Pange said,"Isn't this great? Between us we can speak so many different languages! We can all speak English. Lor, Sez and I can speak French. Lou can speak Spanish AND Italian. And Lei can speak Indian!" Indian??? Excuse me while I laugh my head off.
pause (laughter in background)...
Right. I'll stop now. And for those who are wondering... that is IF anyone is wondering, I stole the title of this post from Mark Twain's 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'. In which Huck doesn't see the point of having different languages when the same things can be said in one language... that doesn't make sense, does it? Anyhoo, he says Polly Voo Franzy instead of Parlez vous Francais.
I'll be off then. And Eris? Try not to be too mean *makes puppy dog eyes and pouts*.